Furkan Tekinay

👋 Hey there!
I'm Furkan, a 🎓 proud graduate with Merit from the MSc Data-intense Analysis at the University of St Andrews . Now, working as a 🌳 BIFoR Data Manager at the University of Birmingham .

I'm passionate about 📊 data science and 🌐 web development. Excited to create innovative solutions and explore the possibilities these fields offer! Let's connect and make awesome things happen! 🚀

-> Contact me : tekinayfurkan@gmail.com

-> Personality Type : Logistician (ISTJ-A)
 |-> Introverted : 52%
 |-> Observant : 63%
 |-> Thinking : 61%
 |-> Judging : 57%
 |-> Assertive : 68%

-> Swift Executive Aptitude Test Result :
 |-> Verbal : 79%
 |-> Numerical : 73%
 |-> Abstract : 69%
 |-> Total : 79%

-> Match 6.5 Candidate Report Result :
 |-> Core talents : Creating Innovartion & Evaluating Problems
 |-> Challenging area : Structuring Tasks

-> My favorites :
 |-> quote : "Whatever you are, be a good one."
 |-> song : "Feeling Good"
 |-> movie : "Now You See Me"
 |-> series : "Silicon Valley"
 |-> book : "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

Data, last updated: 29 December 2023

-> Github contributions in 2023 : 453
-> Github contributions in 2022 : 163
-> Github contributions in 2021 : 199
-> The total number of credits I have earned for my bachelor's degree : 256
-> Total AA I have taken for my bachelor's degree : 19
-> Total DD I have taken for my bachelor's degree : 1
-> Total FF I have taken for my bachelor's degree : 0
-> The highest credit i complete in one semester : 42
-> Total Github Repositories : 31
-> Total mobil applications I developed : 2
-> Total Web Applications I developed : 20+
-> IELTS Score : 6.5
-> Total Certification I have : 8
-> Total Projects I completed : 10+
-> Total Languages I know : 3
-> Total Languages I can speak properly : 2
-> Total Countries I have been : 9
-> Total Countries I have lived : 5
-> Total ML competition I have joined in Kaggle: 3
-> Total Gold medals I have won in sports: 2
-> Total Money I have lost in Crypto : 120$
-> Gain in Stock Market: 3x
-> Total number times I went to cinema without paying : 3
-> Total number of times I have been in a flight : 10+
-> Total number of the USA states I have been : 5
-> Total instagram post I have : 0
-> Wild rift total matches I have played : 2165
-> Wild rift ranked overall win rate : 51.4%
-> Wild rift ranked current-season win rate - S11 : 55.2%

2024 - New Year's Resolutions,

-> Learn Chinese : (HSK level 1)
-> Travel to another country : 1
-> Complete an additional Data Science and ML course : 1
-> Invest : £4000
-> Buy a car and obtain a driving license : :)
-> Y-S : 555
-> Try to save more data about my sleep, walking, and exercise : :))


-> Coding Languages : Python, R, Javascript, PHP, SQL, Dart
-> Frameworks : Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, Vue.js, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, Flatter
-> Libraries : Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Numpy, Pandas, D3.js ...
-> Databases : MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, SQLite
-> Tools : Git, Github, Gitlab, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, Anaconda, Pycharm, Visual Studio Code, Tableu

 |-> ReactJS, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js
 |-> Puzzlo is an intriguing and user-friendly game.
 |-> Players must discover the daily pin or password to increase their score, based on the time of discovery within the day.
 |-> Go to the website
Developing a Real-time House Collapse Tracking Website for Disaster Relief Based on Manual Input
 |-> VueJS, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, D3.js, Tenserflow
 |-> Developing a full-stack web application involves visualizing and analyzing data, as well as implementing machine learning algorithm.
 |-> Master Dissertation Project
UK Housing Market Visualisation
 |-> HTML, CSS, D3.js, Tableau, R
 |-> An interactive web application that provides insights into the UK housing market.
 |-> Utilizes the comprehensive UK-HPI-full-file-2022-12.csv file, featuring around 140,000 data points, 54 columns, and 421 unique regions
 |-> Go to the website
Nano Mascot Generator
 |-> React.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript
 |-> A web application that generates a nano mascots representing Nano Coin(XNO)
 |-> Showcases support for Nano Coin and crypto enthusiasm
 |-> Go to the website
Of course, there are more projects in my GitHub account...
 |-> I will be updating this section very very soon :))
 |-> I hope you like my portfolio
 |-> if you have any questions, please contact me : tekinayfurkan@gmail.com